The Great Escape

My friends…the time has come.

Back in May 2012, I quit my ridiculously well-paid, ridiculously easy job as a creative content writer for a global software company. I didn’t leave for a new position elsewhere and I didn’t even look for a new job; I just decided enough was enough, handed handed my notice in…and left.

Why? Many reasons.


I left because I was bored of sitting at a desk, when I could be climbing mountains, swimming in lakes and roaming the wilds. I left because I was bored of staring at a screen and tapping at a keyboard, when I could be looking out over vast landscapes and pouring over maps, planning mighty quests.

I left because I was bored of having mundane conversations about nothing, when I could be drinking, feasting and singing – revelling in the joy of life and celebrating the wonderful things people do every day.

I left because life is short; too short to spend the majority of it pretending to care about something when, in reality, I simply did not give a shit.

I left because I realised that what I was doing did not matter. Not one little bit…and that is no way to live a life.

Since then, I have been very lucky. Over the last eight months, I have been given opportunities to ply my trade elsewhere, working on some amazing projects and for some incredible clients. I have had all the time in the world to exercise, write, create, revel, sing and gradually repair the damage I did to my soul by utterly neglecting it for 18 precious months of my young life.

What I have not done, however, is adventure.

Well, that is about to change.

Welcome, my friends, to the Chronicles of Adventure.

2 thoughts on “The Great Escape

    • Thanks Marisa! I’m pretty sure everybody can do what I do, but I’ve just been lucky enough to have other people to support me when I screw it all up! Thanks for commenting and all the best 🙂

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